Wednesday, April 6, 2011

They ate that?! Part 2

Kids, do not read this post - this is for your parents only.  Are they gone?  Good.  My kids ate ice cream.  That, by itself, is no strange feat.  What they don't know is that they ate SPINACH ice cream!  And it was GOOD!  I had some too.  It was good.  We had Mint Chocolate Chip.  It had mint flavor and chocolate chips.  What made it green was the spinach.  (I borrowed Double Delicious, by Jessica Seinfeld, from the library.  This is her second cookbook using veggie purees to get kids to eat their veggies, without them knowing it.  Sneaky, but it works.)  What's better?  You don't even need an ice cream maker.  You add spinach puree, mint flavor, chocolate chips, powdered sugar and yogurt.  Mix with a spoon and put in freezer.  That's my kind of recipe.  We also made Lo Mein with pork from her book.  It uses sweet potato puree, and that was really good too!  My kids actually ate pork!  Ususally the only 2 pork products that go in their mouths are hot dogs and bacon.  Straight pork?  Almost never.  So they ate the meat, but not the pasta.  When I asked the 5 year old why, "The pasta made me cough."  Regardless, they ate pork!  The next recipe we are going to make is Teriyaki Chicken with rice pilaf.  That entails carrot puree for the chicken and cauliflower puree for the pilaf.  I'll let you know how that goes.

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