Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here I am again, miss me?

I am so disappointed in Michaels right now.  Why is there not a good bakery supply store in my area?  And if there is one, why can't I think of  it!!  I donated cookies to a fundraiser last month.  25 specialty cookies.  The winner called to cash in and she would like cookies for her daughter's first communion.  Easy, right?  ONLY IF YOU HAVE FIRST COMMUNIONS AT XMAS TIME, BECAUSE THAT'S WHEN YOU SELL CROSS COOKIE CUTTERS!  I cannot begin to explain how frustrating it is, everytime I need something and a certain store should have it, they don't because they have decided to stock up on 8000 different kinds of beads and glitter glue, but of the 3 cookie cutters they stock, mine isn't one.  They sell Wilton stuff, why not cookie cutters?  Where do other people go to get cookie cutters?  What am I missing?  Michaels cannot be the only cookie cutter place in town.  (Maya, I've found another million dollar idea.  Are you keeping a list of our ideas? Me either.)  Of course the Wilton online store sells them, for $.69, but I have to pay $7(!) in shipping!  Got a cross cookie cutter?  Call me. 

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